The Undergradaute Journal of History
(Fall 2021), Vol. 1., No. 2.
Anglo-Spanish Relations in the Sixteenth Century: The Twisted Road to the Spanish Armada
Ariana Cuevas
Quarantine in 18th And 19th Century England: Epidemics and Empires
Jacqueline Isero
Breaking News: Fox News and MSNBC in a Divided America
Winnie Lam
God and Politics: John Knox and the Scottish Reformation
Megan Tien
Witchcraft Treatises in Early Modern Europe
Kayla Ouerbacker
Sara Marcus
The Pandemic in the Immigrant Home: Oral Histories of First-Generation Los Angeles
Taylor Mcleod
Freedom Cannot be Given: An Analysis of the Significance of Women in the Cultural Revolution
Zhen Tian
The Interwoven Nature of the Changing English Aristocracy and the English Country House, 1700-1890
John Young
© 2021 The UCSB Undergraduate Journal of History
The Department of History, Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
4239 Humanities and Social Sciences Building
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California