The Undergraduate Journal of History
(Spring 2021), Vol. 1., No. 1.
Jody (Jui Chun) Chen
How to Lose a Supreme Court Nominee in 115 Days: The Story of the Robert Bork Confirmation and Its Legacy Today
Calvin Chiu
Woodrow Davidson
Grace Levine
Saving the Damned: British Missionary Women and Visions of the East
Mark Maldonado
The India Pale Ale: Tool of British Colonial Expansion
Nicholas Mehle
Demonolatry and Lorraine: Witch Trials of the Late Sixteenth Century
Kassandra Ortega
Strikes and Perestroika: The Working-Class Call to the Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Erik Rubalcaba
Alice Symington
The Georgian Royal Navy: Rules, Regulations, Violations, and Agency
Marc Tsuno
© 2021 The UCSB Undergraduate Journal of History
The Department of History, Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
4239 Humanities and Social Sciences Building
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California