Table of Contents– Spring 2024

The Undergraduate Journal of History 

Volume 4, Number 1

Spring 2024


Changing Conceptions of Nature and U.S. Economic Interests in Mexican California

Jared Allinson

Pharaohs and Embargos: Reinterpreting the New Kingdom in Anglophone Cultural Memory through Egyptomania Songs

Sophia Baldassari

American-German Diplomacy, Intelligence, and Switzerland: James McNally and Secret Peace Talks in the First World War

Chase Estes

Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim on Authority

Cole Galbraith

The Shipmates of the Ana Maria: Tracing Recaptives’ Lives Through the Suppression of the Slave Trade

Theodore Hamilton

The Beautification of Evil: Hitler’s Rise and Consolidation of Power Through Visual Imagery

Jennifer Hayes

“To Centralise or to Divide?”: Competing Memories of Medieval Chinese Intellectuals on the Qin Demise and Administrative System

Chen Tong Hui

Raising Upright Citizens: Social Welfare and Growing Influence for Elite Women in the Gold Rush City

Amanda Laule

“Children Like Mine”: The Discourse and Legal Status of the Irish Unmarried Mother 1922-1969

Ava Thompson

The United States of Acupuncture: An Assessment of Medicolegal Designation and Insurance Coverage’s Impact on US Practitioners

Roselind Zeng

© 2024 The UCSB Undergraduate Journal of History

The Department of History, Division of Humanities and Fine Arts

4239 Humanities and Social Sciences Building

University of California, Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, California
